Kelmarsh Hall - 14 December 2011

Kelmarsh Hall - 14 December 2011
Kelmarsh Hall

Tuesday 24 August 2010

Table Planning

My first foray into creating the table plan for the Wedding today! To say it was ‘tricky’ would be an understatement – I hadn’t realise how complex the task would be!

Seating friends together, keeping certain  people apart and making it all fit into the space certainly stimulated the grey-matter. Fortunately, I cheated (slightly) by using a piece of software that takes a lot of the strain out of the task! it’s called Perfect Table Plan and it does exactly what it says on the tin – and some!

- Simply enter the names of all your guests (or import it from something like Excel)
- Tell the software who’s related to who (so they end up sitting next to each other – or not!)
- Choose the size and type of table – and how many
- Place the tables where you want them
- Drag and drop your guests into their seats – or if you’re feeling lazy, use the auto-assign
button and it’ll use the ‘relationships’ you’ve input, and a few seconds later, you have your
   table plan, with everyone ‘in the right place’
- Now fine-tune it manually if you wish for the perfect result!

Once you are happy with your plan, you have the option of printing table-cards, table plans, guests lists by table and/or name – cool!!!

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